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About Best of Bhikari Bala 1. Best of Bhikari Bala 1 is an Odia album released in 2016. There are a total of 8 songs in Best of Bhikari Bala 1. The songs were composed by Bhikari Bal, a talented musician. Listen to all of Best of Bhikari Bala 1 online on JioSaavn. Balmukund Shukla's pride lies in his hair, but premature baldness robs him of more than just his looks. With love at stake, will he have a 'hairy'-tale ending? Don't Be Shy Again (From 'Bala') is a Hindi language song and is sung by Sachin-Jigar, Badshah, Shalmali, and more. Don't Be Shy Again (From 'Bala'), from the album Don't Be Shy Again (From 'Bala'), was released in the year 2019. The duration of the song is 2:43. Download Hindi songs online from JioSaavn.

This is an example lessonfrom theadvanced course Applied Vedic Astrology. For more information clickhere.

In Vedic astrology there are methods which especially in thisageof computers can give a quick insight in the state of planets andhouses. One such methodis treated here. This is the method of Shadbala. It gives a value toeach planet. The morepoints a planet gets in Shadbala the stronger it is.

It is important to have some insight in how the Shadbala valueiscalculated. Only if you know the method followed by this system ofcalculation you canhave an opinion about the value of it.

When you started the first course you were given a printout ofyour chart. In this printout you see an overview of the Shadbalacalculations. Now I willexplain these. There are slight variances on how Shadbala iscalculated. In this course Iwill follow the method of the late B.V. Raman as explained in his book‘graha andbhava balas’. If you use Haydn’s Jyotish and you want to follow B.V.Raman’s method go to the options menu and select ‘B.V.Raman’ underShadbalastyle.

It is possible that other astrologers in the future willdeveloptheir own version of Shadbala. Personally I welcome new and innovativeapproaches.However, before we can develop something new we should exactly know howthe traditionalsystem works. I would suggest you have the printout of the Shadbalacalculation of yourpersonal chart in front of you while I explain the calculations. Thismakes it much easierto follow the explanations.


We start with calculating the sthana bala of a planet. This isthepositional strength of a planet. Sthana Bala consists of fivecomponents:

  1. The first one is called Ocha Bala. In the first course youlearned that in Vedic Astrology all planets have exact degrees ofexaltation. Like the Moon is exalted at 3 degrees Taurus. When a planetoccupies it exact degree of exaltation the planet gets 60 Shashtiamsas(Shashtiamsas are points). When it occupies the opposite point, itsexact point of fall, it does not get any Shashtiamsas. Of course mostof the time a planet will occupy a position somewhere in between thesepoints. In that case the points that it will get will be calculatedaccording to its position from the point of exaltation and fall.Example: The Moon at 3 degrees Scorpio will get 0 Shashtiamsas. TheMoon at 3 degrees Leo will get 30 Shashtiamsas (this is exactly between3 degrees Scorpio and 3 degrees Taurus).
  2. The second one is called Saptavargaja Bala. To calculatethis we will have to look at the following seven harmonic charts: Rasi,Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa. In allthese charts we look at what kind of sign a certain planet is located.If a planet occupies in the rashichart its Moolatrikona sign it gets 45Shashtiamsas (this is a special rule for the rashi chart only), if itis in its own sign (of whatever varga) it gets 30 Shashtiamsas, in thesign of a great friend 22.5 Shashtiamsas, in the sign of a friend 15Shashtiamsas, in a neutral sign 7.5 Shashtiamsas, in the sign of anenemy 3.75 Shashtiamsas and in the sign of a great enemy 1.875Shashtiamsas. The concept of friends and enemies has been explained inthe first course. This is one of the most important parts of Shadbalabecause Saptavargaja bala can give a lot of Shashtiamsas.
  3. Ojayyugma Bala The idea behind this concept is that aplanet gains strength because it is in an even or uneven sign ornavamsa. The Moon and Venus get 15 Shashtiamsas when they are in aneven sign. These planets also get 15 Shastiamsas when they are in aneven navamsa. In totality the Moon or Venus may gain 30 Shashtiamsas ifthey are located in an even sign AND even navamsa. The reason behindthis is that the Moon and Venus are female planets and are strong whenthey are in female (even) signs or navamsas. Sun, Mars, Jupiter,Mercury and Saturn get 15 Shastiamsas when they are in an uneven sign.They also can get 15 Shashtiamsas when they are in an uneven navamsa.These planets are male or neutral and are strong in male (uneven)signs.
  4. Kendra Bala A planet in a kendra house (1,4,7 and 10) gets60 Shashtiamsas, a planet in the house 2,5,8 or 11 gets 30Shashtiamsas, a planet in the house 3,6,9 or 12 gets 15 Shashtiamsas.The reasoning is that planets in kendrahouses can easily expressthemselves and are therefore strong.
  5. Drekkena Bala To calculate this the planets are dividedinto masculine planets (Sun, Jupiter and Mars), neutral planets (Saturnand Mercury) and female planets (Venus and the Moon). If a male planetis in the first drekkana (0-10 degrees) of whatever sign it gets 15Shashtiamsas. If a neutral planet is in the middle drekkana of whateversign (that means it is located between 10-20 degrees of whatever sign)it gets 15 Shashtiamsas. If a female planet is located in the lastdrekkana (the last 10 degrees) of whatever sign it gets 15Shashtiamsas. The reasoning is that the first drekkana of each sign isgood for male planets, the middle drekkana for neutral planets and thelast drekkana for female planets.

Now we have to add up all the Shashtiamsa values. The resultisthe total Sthana Bala. You are in the priviliged position that you donot have tocalculate all this by hand. You can see it on the computer printout.When you know whatthe different strengths and weaknesses mean you can easily assess thestrengths andweaknesses of your chart just by looking at the Shadbala printout.


This principle has similarities with the principle of OchaBala.Only now the decisive factor is not the location of the planet in acertain sign, but in acertain house.

Each planet is powerful when it is located in a certaindirection.Dig Bala means directional strength. The Sun and Mars are powerful inthe South. These areplanets which function especially well in the tenth house (the tenthhouse is the Southernpart of the sky). Saturn is given maximum Dig Bala when it is in theWest, the seventhhouse. Moon and Venus get maximum Dig Bala when the are in the North(fourth house).Mercury and Jupiter function well in the first house (the East).

A reason for this is that the morning is a great time forstudyingand learning. That is why Mercury and Jupiter, planets which have to dowith studying andlearning, are strong during that time of day (at that time the Sun isnear the ascendant).

The Sun and Mars are energetic planets which need the energythatis available around noon (at that time the Sun is in the tenth house).

Saturn is the planet of shades, which are at its maximumduringthe evening (when the Sun is opposite the ascendant).

Moon and Venus are soft planets which function good during thetime that is meaned for sleeping and making love (at midnight the Sunis in the fourthhouse).

A planet gets maximum Dig Bala when it is in middle of thebhava(house) where it functions especially well. If for example the Moon islocated right inhet middle of the fourth house he gets maximum Dig Bala and is given 60Shashtiamsas. Ifthe Moon is in the middle of the tenth house it is given 0Shashtiamsas.

A slight complication is that for determining this BV Ramanworkswith the bhava chart and not with the rashi chart. The midpoint of thehouses in the bhavachart may differ from the midpoint of the houses in the rashi chart(which is always 15degrees of a certain sign).

The Bhava Chart is a chart which has unequal houses. It iscomparable to the way we work with houses in Western Astrology (and inparticular thePorphyry house system). The Bhava Chart is explained later.

Dig bala gives a good indication for how strong a planet is initshouse.


This has to do with the strength which a planet has because ofthetime of the day. It is strength of time.

It consists of different factors:

  1. Divaratri Bala According to this system the Moon, Saturnand Mars are powerful during midnight. At noon they are powerless.These are the natural malefics + the Moon. The Sun, Jupiter and Venusare powerful during noon and are powerless during midnight. These arethe natural benefics + the Sun. Adaptable Mercury is considered to bealways powerful. This means that in every chart Mercury gets themaximum of 60 Shashtiamsas which can be gained by this factor. TheMoon, Saturn and Mars are given 60 Shashtiamsas only if the person isborn at midnight and 0 if the person is born at noon. Sun, Jupiter andVenus get 60 Shastiamsas if the person is born at noon and zero if heis born at midnight. Of course if the person is born at a timesomewhere in between the value is interpolated.
  2. Paksha Bala A Paksha is equal to 15 lunar days. When theMoon is increasing it is Sukla Paksha. When the Moon is decreasing itis Krishna Paksha .The benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Moon (from the 8thday of the bright half of the lunar month to the 8th day of the darkhalf of the lunar month) and good influenced Mercury. These beneficialplanets are powerful during Sukla Paksha. The malefics are Sun, Mars,Saturn, badly influenced Mercury and the Moon (from the 8th day of thedark half of the lunar month to the 8th day of the bright half of thelunar month). They are powerful during Krishna Paksha. The benefics getmore Shastiamsas if a person is born on Sukla Paksha and the maleficsless. If a person is born during Krishna Paksha the malefics get morepoints. The maximum amount of Shashtiamsas to be gained is 60. Thevalue of the Shastiamsas of the malefics + the value of the Shastiamsasof the benefics is always 60. The Shastiamsas of the Moon are alwaysdoubled.
  3. Thribhaga Bala Sometimes in Shadbala you see things whichlook a bit curious. This is an example. The day (that means the periodof daylight) is divided into three equal parts and the night (theperiod without daylight) is divided into three equal parts. In thissystem Jupiter is always given 60 Shastiamsas. In addition, if someoneis born during the first part of the day Mercury gets 60 Shashtiamsas.If someone is born during the second part of the day the Sun gets 60Shashtiamsas. If born during the last part of the day Saturn gets 60Shashtiamsas. If born during the first part of the night the Moon isgiven 60 Shashtiamsas. If born during the second part of the nightVenus gets 60 Shashtiamsas. If born during the last part of the nightMars gets 60 Shashtiamsas. I see some connection between this systemand the system of Dig Bala. In the reasoning behind Dig Bala the firstpart of the day is seen as particularly good for Mercurial activities.Noon is seen as good for activities which have to do with the Sun.Saturn is strong when he is opposite the ascendant (at the place of theevening Sun). Also the Moon and Venus are strong during nighttime.However, the value attached to the late night Mars is something whichcannot be found in Dig Bala.
  4. Abda Bala The planet which is the lord of the year will get15 Shahtiamsas. The lord of the year is the planet which belongs to thefirst day of the year. For example if the first day of a certain yearis Sunday the year is ruled by the Sun, which receives 15 Shashtiamsasaccording to this method. However, because Mr. Raman does not look atthe calender but tries to find this planet by making a calculation (inwhich he uses the 360 day year) it is very well possible that the yearbegan on another day then is seen on the Abda Bala printout.
  5. Masa Bala The planet which is the lord of the first day ofthe month in which a person is born receives 30 Shashtiamsas. Infinding this planet more or less the same problems appear as whencalculating Abda Bala. Mr. Raman uses a duration of the month of 30days.
  6. Vara Bala The planet which rules the day at which theperson is born receives 45 Shashtiamsas. This planet is found withoutcalculations.
  7. Hora Bala A day is divided into 24 hours or horas. Eachhora is ruled by a planet. The first hora is ruled by the planet whichrules the day. For example at Monday the first hora is ruled by theMoon. Then the order is according to the days of the week (next horawill be of Mars then of Mercury and so on). If you are born at somedistance from the equator the horas are not of equal length. The periodof daylight contains 12 horas and the period without daylight contains12 horas. The ruler of the hora when you were born gets 60Shashtiamsas.
  8. Ayana Bala This is a somewhat exotic concept in Shadbala.To really explain it would take a lot of space. The value a planet getsaccording to Ayana Bala has to do with the declination it has from theequator. If a planet has 0 declination the ayana bala is 30. For Venus,the Sun, Mars and Jupiter the Northern declinations are added to hisvalue and the Southern declinations subtracted (the consequence of thisis that a planet has a low ayana bala if the planet has a Southerndeclination and a high ayana bala if the planet has a Northerndeclination). For Saturn and the Moon it is the other way around. ForMercury declinations are always added. The maximum amount ofShashtiamsas to be gained is 60. The ayana bala of the Sun is alwaysdoubled. I have not succeeded in finding an explanation why these rulesare the way they are.
  9. Yuddha Bala This concept has to do with planets which arein war. Therefore we only encounter Yuddha bala values if there areplanets at war in the chart. First we have to calculate the totalSthana bala value + Dig Bala + Kala Bala till Hora Bala of the twofighting planets. Then we must calculate the difference between thesetwo values. This difference must be divided by the difference betweenthe diameters of the two planets as seen in the sky. The result of thiscalculation is the Yuddhabala. This must be added to the Kala Balatotal of the winning planet and subtracted to the Kala Bala of theloosing planet. Maybe you experience this to be a difficult concept.You can also look at it simply from the point of view that a planetwhich wins a war gets some bonus Shashtiamsas, while the planet whichlooses the war looses some Shashtiamsas.

After everything has been calculated we add it all up and getthetotal Kala Bala.


Again we encounter a concept which is not easy to explainwithouta lengthy introduction about astronomy. I suggest we take a shortcut.Planets which arerelatively slow (among them retrograde planets) get a high Chesta Balavalue. Planetswhich are relatively fast get a low chesta bala value. The reasoning isthat slow movingplanets are able to focus their energy more because they stay in oneplace. The maximumamount of Shashtiamsas to be earned is 60. I would like to stress thatit is the relativespeed I am talking about here: relative to the average speed of aplanet. Therefore it ispossible that a relatively fast moving Saturn gets a low Chesta Bala,while a relativelyslow moving Mercury gets a high Chesta Bala. On the computer outprintof Haydn’sJyotish you see the average speed (at the top of the printout). Whenyou see a 1 behind aplanet it is moving at its average speed. When you see a value higherthan 1 it movesfaster than its average speed, when you see a value lower than 1 itmoves slower.

The Sun and Moon do not get Chesta Bala values. They move in afairly regular pattern and do not go retrograde ever.


Each planet gets a certain amount of Shashtiamsas according totheluminosity it has. Because the Sun is the brightest planet it is given60 Shashtiamsas.Saturn is the faintest and gets 8.57 Shashtiamsas. This means that theamount ofShashtiamsas a planet receives according to Naisargika Bala is in everychart the same.


Drik Bala is called aspect strength. If a planet is aspectedbybenefics the planet receives a positive Shashtiamsa value. If a planetis aspected bymalefics than it gets negative Drik Bala points. See paragraph 3.2 forwhich planets areconsidered benefics and malefics.

The calculation of the Drik Bala value is a bit complicatedbecause we also take partial aspects in account.

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I will give one example of this. We know that the Sun, Moon,Venusand Mercury aspect the planet in the seventh sign from it. Now for thispurpose we saythat these planet aspect the zodiacal degree in opposition (180 degreesfrom it). Thepoint which is 120 degrees from these planets get a partial aspect of50%, the point whichis 90 degrees from the planet gets a 75% aspect, the point which is 60degrees gets a 25%aspect and the point which is 30 or 150 degrees from the planet gets noaspect at all.

Most Jyotishis only work with full (100%) aspects, but forthispurpose we work with partial aspects (that means aspects which areweaker than fullaspects). This makes the calculation of Drik Bala quite cumbersome.Thank God we havecomputers.

What is important to know is that if a certain planet has anegative Drig Bala value than it is mainly under the influence ofmalefics and if it has apositive Drig Bala value it is under the influence of benefics.Therefore I think the DrigBala value is very interesting. By looking at the Shadbala printout wecan immediately seeif a planet is mainly under the influence of benefics or malefics andhow strong thisinfluence is.


Finally, the Shashtiamsas are added up. We get the Shadbalavaluein Shashtiamsas. Next they are divided by 60. Then we get the Shadbalavalues in Rupas. Atthe printout you can see the Shadbala value in Rupas.

It is important to realize that the influence of certainShadbalafactors is much greater than others. Simply because the amount ofShashtiamsas to begained by certain Shadbala factors is much greater than by others. Asan example: theamount of Shashtiamsas which can be gained by the factor Sthana Bala isa lot more thanwhat can be gained by Dig Bala. Therefore the six Shadbala factors arenot equallyimportant.

Something else happens. According to the Shadbala rules everyplanet needs a certain amount of Rupas to be strong. According to theserules Mercuryneeds 7 Rupas, Jupiter needs 6 � Rupas, The Moon needs 6 Rupas, Venusneeds 5 � Rupas,Saturn, the Sun and Mars need 5 Rupas. These values are seen as theminimum requirementfor a certain planet to be strong. I have never seen an explanation ofwhy this is so.

The total Shad Bala in Rupas is divided by this minimumrequirement and then we get the Shad Bala ratio. The most interestingabout this Shad Balaratio is to see whether a planet has more or less than the minimumrequirement and howmuch that is.

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In general most astrologers attach more value to the totalShadBala. Because I have some difficulties in seeing the logic behind theminimum requirementsI also attach more value to the total Shadbala.


As an example let us take a quick look at the Shadbalaprintout ofBill Clinton (chart is shown in the section about the Nakshatras). Thestrongest planetaccording to Shadbala is the Sun, which has a total Shadbala of 8.66.This is something tobe expected from a person who is president of the USA. Next comesMercury, which is alsofairly strong and indeed he always seems to talk his way out ofproblems.

If we look at the planets which have a low Shadbala value weseeVenus and especially Saturn. Indeed, a lot of his problems have to dowith sexuality,lovemaking and financial deals (Venus). It also seems that he has adifficulty in keepinglimits (Saturn).

+--------------------------------- Shad Bala----------------------------------+



Total Shad Bala : 8.66 6.17 7.47 5.62 6.51 6.53 3.25

Shad Bala Ratios : 1.73 1.03 1.07 1.02 1.30 1.00 0.65


On the printout you see some other factors mentioned. It isgoodto know what they mean.

The Ishta Phala value of a certain planet is calculated asfollows: the Ocha Bala (see paragraph 1.1) is multiplied by the ChestaBala (see paragraph4). Then the square root of the product is extracted. We get a valuebetween 0 and 60.

The Sun and the Moon do not have a Chesta Bala. Yet we need tohave a Chesta Bala value for these planets otherwise we cannotcalculate the Ishta Phala.To get a Chesta Bala value for the Sun and Moon we make the followingcalculation: we add90 degrees to the Sun’s longitude. If the value we get is more than 180degrees itwill be subtracted from 360. The result is the Sun’s Chesta Bala value(at least theChesta Bala value for this purpose). This value is divided by three.Then we get theChesta Bala value in Shashtiamsas.

To calculate the Chesta Bala value of the Moon we make anothercalculation. The Sun’s longitude is subtracted from that of the Moon.Again if thevalue we get is more than 180 degrees it will be subtracted from 360.The result is theMoon’s Chesta Bala value for this purpose. Again to get the value inShastiamsas thevalue is divided by three.

I hope by this time you are not overwhelmed by calculations.Personally I feel Ishta Phala/Kashta Phala is perhaps not one of themost interestingpoints of Shadbala but you should have some idea of way it iscalculated.

Anyway, we have to explain the Kashta Phala. We calculate60-Ochabala and 60-Chesta Bala. Next we calculate the product of this and thenthe square root ofthis product will be the Kashta Phala value.

The idea is that if a planet has a higher Ishta Phala thanKashtaPhala value it is inclined to do good in its dasa and bhukti and if ithas a higher KashtaPhala than Ishta Phala value it is inclined to do evil in its dasa andbhukti. The logicof this may be clear. Of course it is good if a planet has a big OchaBala and Chesta Balavalue. Then the value of Ishta Phala will also be large and the amountof Kashta Phalavalue will be small.

However, as the Shadbala system shows there are more factorsto beconsidered how a planet performs. It may be wiser to evaluate thefunctioning of theplanet in its dasa and bhukti by looking at the Total Shadbala value.


This is the last factor we have to consider. For this we havetocalculate the Bhava Chakra (House Chart) which is dealt with in anothertutorial.

The Bhava Chart is a Chart which works with unequal houseswhichare comparable to the housesystem of Porphyry.

The reasoning is that if a planet is close to the midpoint ofacertain Bhava (house) it is given a high Residential Strength and if itis located at theedge of a Bhava (house) it gets a low Residential Strength. A planetwith a highResidential Strength is powerful while a planet with a low ResidentialStrength is weak.

Ishta/Kashta Phala values and Residential Strength are valueswhich stand on their own and are not used to calculate the totalShadbala.


It is my opinion that Shadbala is a useful and interestingsystem.All kinds of different strenghts are summarized in a single figure. Wecan look at thetotal strength of a planet and analyze from which factors this strengthcomes from.

However I consider some factors of Shadbala to be more usefulthanothers. Factors which I consider to be especially interesting are OchaBala (1.1.),Saptavargaja Bala (1.2), Kendra Bala (1.4), Dig Bala (2), Chesta Bala(4), Drik Bala (6).

If I would be so bold as to redesign the system I would skipsomefactors (like Naisargika Bala, which is the same in all charts andprobably ThribhagaBala) and probably add one or two new factors. For example: there is noShadbala factorwhich considers whether a planet is in a dushtana house (houses 6,8 or12) or not, whileit is generally known that this is important for a planet. I would alsolike to modernizethe way factors like Abda Bala and Masa Bala are calculated. As far asIshta/Kashta Phalaand Residential Strength is concerned I would skip Ishta/Kashta Phalaand integrateResidential Strength in the calculations of the Shadbala ratio.

Vedic Astrology is traditional. Of course this has itsadvantages,but we should always evaluate whether a system could be improved.Indeed I am aware ofsome astrologers (like Ranjan Bose) who have come up with other systemsto measure thestrength of planets. These other systems can also be found in TajikaAstrology (which willbe dealt with later in this course). In that system of Indian astrologywe find systemswhich have the same goal that Shadbala has (to measure the strength ofplanets) but arequite different. Also there are authors which have developed slightvariances of Shadbala.

However, the alternatives are not necessarily better. Mostsystemsthat can be an alternative to Shadbala are simpler, therefore easier tocalculate, butalso have characteristics, which can be criticized.

In fact, untill this day Shadbala is the most complete andsophisticated system to measure the strength of planets and thereforehighly useful.


  1. Look at the Total Shadbala values of the planets in yourchart. Put them in an order of strength. The weakest planet first andthe strongest planet last and the others in between. Are the resultssurprising or do you recognize the results in the way you experiencethe planets.
  2. Look at the Shadbala ratios and again put them in order ofstrength. Look especially at which planets have a value bigger than oneand which planets have a value which is less than one.
  3. We are going to look at some particular interesting factorsof the Shadbala factors. Look at the following factors: ocha bala(1.1.), Saptavargaja Bala (1.2), Kendra Bala (1.4), Dig Bala (2),Chesta Bala (4), Drik Bala (6). For each of these factors look at whichplanet has the strongest value and which planet has the weakest value.Do not do this exercise by ‘automatic pilot’, but when you analyze acertain factor try to realize what this factor means.
  4. Take a look a the total Kala Bala value (3) of the planets.Sometimes I wonder whether this factor does not weigh to heavily in thesystem as the amount of Shashtiamsas to be gained by this factor aresometimes very high indeed. Again make an overview which planet has thehighest Kala Bala and which planet has the least. Try to realize thatif the differences are extreme this may have a big influence on theendresult (the total Shadbala ratio).
  5. Look also at the Residential Strength. Put the planets inorder of Residential Strength (9). We will deal with the Bhava Chartlater, but untill now you have to realize that planets which have ahigh Residential Strength can disperse their energy better in thehouses then planets which do not have much Residential Strength (it ispossible that planets are located in a different house in the BhavaChart than in the Rashi, this will be explained in a later tutorial).

copyright: Roeland de Looff, nothing on this site is allowedto be reproduced without written permission of the author.

To see an alternative for Shadbala, the Dirah Planetary Strength please click here.

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