Java Program Grocery Receipt


  1. Enter the Name of the produce. Enter the Weight of the produce in kilograms. Enter the Price per kilogram 5. The application will calculate and display the weight, name, price per kg and the total cost of the purchase. 2.30 kgs of apples at $3.40 per kg is $7.82. The program will number each purchase.
  2. This program will display receipt using read-only TextArea -

There are several methods to create/generate invoice /bill/receipt in java. In this tutorial show you, how to create/generate invoice /bill/receipt in java using Textarea. Using this method you can generate an invoice for any kind of java project. This tutorial will help to develop a point of sales system. Here show you how to add sales details to the invoice and how to print the invoice. You can follow the video tutorial and source code.

Write a program that prints a grocery receipt of items purchased. The program must create variables for the following items: Milk = $2.00; Eggs = $ 3.00; Bread =$4.00; Orange Juice =$3.50; Apples = $4.00; Cookies = $3.25; Water = $3.00; A coupon of $1.00 was used. Use a constant for a coupon. Calculate the bill, assume that 1 unit of all items. I need a java program that consists of 2 files: one with the methods and the other one to display using JOptionpane a grocery receipt only. The file with the methods must contain: Quantity, Item#, and read more. Grocery Receipt Coupons In that light, we welcome any feedback that makes our samples apps easier to learn from. Table of Contents. Requirements In order to successfully run this sample app you need a few things:. Java 1.7. A account. An app on and the associated app token.

Features and functions of this simple application

Bill/Invoice header section

In here create invoice header using simple java code. You can add names, contact numbers, address and other details to bill/invoice header when you develop invoice. This section develops as a static section.

Bill/ Invoice Details section

In this section include dynamic details regarding the invoice. Example, when we create sale invoice, can add sales item details, price, cash, total and more details to this section.

Java program grocery receipt template

Java Program Grocery Receipt Template

Footer section

This section used as a static section. We can add anything to modify the invoice.


We can print this invoice using the print method in java.

Source code of create/generate invoice /bill/receipt in java project

The technologies used in create/generate invoice /bill/receipt in java project

  • Java: All codes have been written using the java programming language.
  • Netbeans: This project has developed inside of the Netbeans IDE.

How to use this
You can download the
complete project file and database using the below link.

The goals of providing this project:

  • To provide an example for students to develop their own projects.
  • helping people create their projects.
  • sharing knowledge and codes for educational purpose.
Java program grocery receipts

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  • You cannot use this project or project source codes for commercial purposes
  • You cannot re-upload this project or project source code to web internet or any kind of space.
Java Program Grocery Receipt

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Hello Friends. I am working in a Java assignment and I am seriously in need of a help. Since I am new to programming, I need an assist. The program which I have to do has the following specifications:
Scanners should be used compalsarily
The green grocer has asked you to write a program to help him manage the sales of his fruit and vegetables.
You are to write a Java Console Application (FruitVegShop.class) which will allow him to enter the name of the customer then enter the details of N produce purchases. N should be equal to the highest digit in your student ID, use N=3 if your highest digit is less than three. For each produce purchase the program will prompt for and accept the name of the produce, the weight of the produce in kilograms and the price per kilogram.
The required Java Console Application should allow the user to: 1. Enter the Customer name. For each of the N purchases 2. Enter the Name of the produce. 3. Enter the Weight of the produce in kilograms. 4. Enter the Price per kilogram 5. The application will calculate and display the weight, name, price per kg and the total cost of the purchase.
2.30 kgs of apples at $3.40 per kg is $7.82
The program will number each purchase
6. When N purchases have been entered the user will enter if the customer is eligible for a discount (students and pensioners), if the customer is eligible for a discount they will receive 10% of the final price. 7. Finally the customer name, number of purchases and the total costs paid will be displayed (see sample output below). 8. Display the discount amount only if the customer is eligible. 9. Display a welcome message at the beginning “Welcome to Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market” and an end message e.g. “Thank you <customer name> for shopping at the Rocky Fruit and Vegetable Market” and the final line “Written by <your student ID>” (see sample output below).
All numeric literal values i.e. N and DISCOUNT must be represented as constants.

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Java Program Grocery Receipt Examples

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Java Program Grocery Receipt

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Java Program Grocery Receipt Example

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