8bf Filters Free

In this tutorial we will look at how the filter works. 3D Transform.
Below are several options for the operation of this filter, the rest depends on your imagination and knowledge of the program Photoshop.

The plug-in will now be available as the 8bf Filter menu item in the Paint.NET Effects menu. Installing Photoshop-compatible filters. See Installing 8bf filters. This project is licensed under the terms of the Microsoft Public License. See License.txt for more information. These are examples of the filters you can find under the Filters Blur menu: blur blur. Blur focus blur. Blur pixelize (3 pixels) blur pixelize (rectangular selection) blur gaussian blur. In the next image I (a) quickly selected the trees, (b) inverted that selection, then did a Gaussian blur on the background.

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Step 1. Before you install the filter, close the program Photoshop.

Materials for the lesson:

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Copy file 3D_Transform.8BF and paste it into the folder with filters (Plug-Ins). By default, the installation path will be:
C: Program Files Adobe Adobe Photoshop CS3 Plug-Ins

Step 2. Run Photoshop. Create a new document (Ctrl + N). Create a new layer (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + N). This combination will allow you to automatically create a new layer, without asking questions about its name.

Step 3. To find our new filter, go to Filters – Rendering – 3D Transform. (Filter – Render – 3d Transform)

A filter window will appear.

Step 4. General introduction
The interface of this filter is somewhat reminiscent of mini Photoshop – the toolbar on the left, in the middle of the canvas that matches your document. Positioning the figure in the filter, consider the fact that exactly the same thing will be located in your document. The size and position of the shape changes in the Camera tab.

If you are familiar with the Photoshop toolbar and know how to use them, then 8 out of 12 tools in this filter will be familiar to you.

– ‘Selection Tool (V)’ (outline selection)
– ‘Direct Selection Tool (V)’ (contour editing)
– ‘Cube Tool (M)’ (cube)
– ‘Sphere Tool (N)’ (sphere)
– ‘Cylinder Tool (C)’ (cylinder)
– ‘Convert Anchor Point Tool’ (convert point)
– ‘Add Anchor Point Tool (+)’ (add point)
– ‘Delete Anchor Point Tool (-)’ (delete point)
– ‘Pan Camera Tool (E)’ (move body shape)
– ‘Trackball Tool (R)’ (rotate a solid shape)
– ‘Hand Tool (H)’ (Hand Tool)
– ‘Zoom Tool (Z)’ (Magnifier Tool)

In this filter, the tools are divided into groups.
In order to make it clearer, groups are delimited by red lines and signed.
one. Selection.
2. Creation and manipulation.
3 Rotation.
four. Moving and scaling.

Tools from groups 1,3 and 4, make manipulation over active tools from group 2, namely – Cube, Sphere and Cylinder.

Instruments Convert Anchor Point Tool ‘ (convert point)Add Anchor Point Tool (+) ‘(add point), Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) ‘(delete point), become active only with the tool “Cylinder“.


Step 5. Creating 3D shapes on a new layer.

Take the tool Cube ( – ‘Cube Tool (M)’), or any other shape and drag it.

Then take the tool Trackball Tool (R)‘(turn of a volumetric figure) and rotate the shape so that all its walls become gray-white in color, if the side remains in the cell, then this side will be transparent. Click YES.

You will have a shape that can be repainted using either the selection tools and the color fill, or Ctrl + U and toning color. The same shape can be reduced in size with the help of free transformation (Ctrl + T). You can apply anything to this shape, work as with a regular layer in Photoshop.

You can create many such shapes, but each time before using the filter, create a new layer.

Step 6. Creation 3D shapes using a layer filled with color.

1. You can use the color of the layer to color one side of the shape.
Before opening the filter, simply fill the layer on which you will draw the shape with black or any color you like.
* if it is the only layer with the name “Background”, then it must be unblocked by clicking on it twice and renaming it. *

Moreover, on a dark background, the drawn figures in the filter 3D Transform it is better seen, since the color of the figures, by default, is light green and is lost on a transparent background.
Now go back to Filters – Rendering – 3D Transform… Stretch the Cube.

Go to Options… there will uncheck ‘Display Background’ (removing this checkbox after using the filter will remove the background around the shape of the figure), you can also play with the settings Resolution / Anti-Alias.

Click OK.
Take the tool Trackball Tool (R) ‘ (rotate the solid shape) and rotate the shape. Click – Yes.

Any color of the layer can be selected as the shadow of the object.
In this screenshot, two options are presented – on one background color would be black, on the other red.

2 Regular Shapes
As in the previous step, fill the layer with black, go to Filters – Rendering – 3D Transform…, at Options should not be ticked opposite ‘Display Background’. Draw a few different shapes.

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AND, NOT USING A TOOL Trackball Tool (R)‘ (rotate the solid) click YES.
You will get the shapes filled with the color you selected for the layer.

Step 7. Cylinder and Sphere.
When turning the tool Trackball Tool (R) ‘ (rotation of the volumetric figure) “Sphere” or “Cylinder”, then it is only half filled with volumetric color, the second half remains transparent.

To rotate the shape on the non-transparent side, you can do the following:

– draw the figure “Sphere”,
– take the tool Selection Tool (V) ‘ (contour selection) and move the shape so that it crawls into a gray strip half,
– now take the tool Trackball Tool (R)‘ (rotation of the solid shape) and rotate the shape so that transparent places are not visible.

Step 8. Using the Adjustment Layer.
Create a new document (Ctrl + N). Now click on the icon at the bottom of the layers palette and in the appeared tab select any of the three top options: Color / Gradient / Pattern (‘Solid Color / Gradient / Pattern’)

In this case, the Color option was taken as an example … # 2374A8

Now go to Filters – Rendering – 3D Transform… and draw a shape (in Options there should not be a checkmark next to ‘Display Background’). Tool Trackball ‘Trackball Tool (R) ‘(rotate the solid) turn it and press YES.

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Also, when using the Correction layer in the Channels, a layer mask of this object appears.

Click on the thumbnail of this mask and go to the Layers tab. Select a new Adjustment Layer – Gradients. Select the first gradient, from Blue to Black.
You can also choose a pattern. And it is possible to use Layer Styles.

Step 9. Using Shapes (Shape Tools (U))
Create a new document. (Ctrl +N). Select a shape (Shape tools (U)) for example Rectangle (‘Rectangle Tool’), color # 2374A8 (you can take any other).
Draw a figure.

Add a layer mask by clicking on the icon on the layers palette.

Now go to Filters – Rendering – 3D Transform… and draw a shape (in Options there should not be a checkmark next to ‘Display Background’).

Step 10. Create different shapes.
Go to Filters Rendering – 3D Transform… and draw the figure Cylinder. Now with the tools: – Convert Anchor Point Tool ‘ (convert point)
Add Anchor Point Tool (+)‘(add point),– Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) ‘ (delete point) try changing its shape.

Photoshop 8bf Filters Free Download

To add points, it is necessary on the right vertical strip of the side of the Cylinder. Then take the tool – Direct Selection Tool (V) ‘ (contour editing) and drag points. You will see how they will change. And they change symmetrically on both sides. Then tool Trackball Tool (R) ‘ (turn of a volumetric figure) rotate the figure.

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Applying imagination and experience, you can create something like that.

Free 8bf Filters

* Another tip.
If you drew a shape and it didn’t work for you, you don’t have to close the filter, you just need to press the key combination Ctrl +H or the Delete key. This action removes the last figure drawn. If you have several of them, the figures will be cleaned in order. *

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I hope this lesson helped me understand the functions of the 3D Transform filter …
The rest is up to you.

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Good luck.

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Posted by: photoshoparea